How often do you turn your head?

We all know it is happening all around us. In our own families, behind closed doors and fake smiles. It is terror and pain and a wistful longing to be someone else. Someone normal with average problems and worries and fears. The alternative seems much worse because connections and ties have been cut, education and progress is not allowed, and there are children to support. It looks impossible and even more terrifying.
The amount of domestic abuse that is taking place right now due to the lack of options and support for those who flee with their children is appalling and unforgivable. The world should be there with arms open and ready to catch the brave ones who get up the strength to get out of the relationship. Those who do take up their children and walk, alone. There is a brief, overloaded and hectic stay at a shelter and then not much else. These people have been tortured and abused for years, sometimes decades, and they are expected to be fully functional and capable of shouldering the weight of the world in 3 months.
Have you known and cared about someone who was being abused, but they wouldnt leave? Most often this is because they have no hope for what awaits them if they do. Have you ever begun to turn your head, your heart, and your back on someone who “chooses to stay in an abusive relationship”?
Maybe when you see a woman being beat, you turn your head away and think, “It isnt my business.

 Right now you can choose to reach out instead and give a hand. You dont have to be directly involved or put your own family at risk. Just donate whatever you can afford and know that you and many others together will be making hope a possibility where there has been none for so long. “Donate.”

 My little boy and I are survivors of domestic abuse. I was in the relationship for 7 years and my greatest fear of leaving him was due to the fact that I have very little family, no education, and very little work experience. I knew I would be lucky if I were able to support my child on my own. I am still struggling to recover, but in the mean time, I want to start up something that our society desperately needs. I am living evidence. This organization, charity, fund raiser, whatever you want to call it, is founded by someone who would have been a benefactor if it had been started and going about a year ago.

 I would greatly appreciate any offers for help getting this up and going as well. Ive never done anything like this and although I have been reading and searching for info, I would appreciate anyone who can help me directly.